I live in upstate NY and planted about 20 ninebark last year. They were growing beautiful but now I have the problem with the powdery mildew also. All the bushes are affected. MY landscaper told me there is nothing he can do. just to cut the diseased branches. It did not help, it is getting worse. Can somebody help?
Ninebark is deciduous and the leaves are just saying goodbye. In the spring, you will have beautiful new coppery foliage to shame the sunset.
Next year maintain consistent moisture at roots. Washing foliage with sprayed water some mornings may help, starting before mildew gets heavy.
Hi Hzukoski, Be sure to clean up all fallen leaves. You can use milk as a fungicide in the spring. http://www.umassgreeninfo.org/fact_sheets/diseases/powdery_mildew.pdf http://www.backyardgardener.com/tv/mildew.html http://www.dirtdoctor.com/view_question.php?id=204 Newt