1. UBC Botanical Garden Front Office

    UBC Botanical Garden Front Office Member UBC Botanical Garden

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    The following message was received via email:

    I am doing a research project on devil's club and would like to know where (in Vancouver) I can locate this plant. I would also like to know if the ubc garden herbarium has a sample of devil's club.

    Thank you,
  2. Daniel Mosquin

    Daniel Mosquin Paragon of Plants UBC Botanical Garden Forums Administrator Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
    Sorry for the late reply - I was away on vacation.

    The UBC BG herbarium is a very small collection, and likely doesn't have this. However, the UBC Botany Department's herbarium is massive and will have multiple specimens:

    UBC Herbarium

    As for locations in Vancouver proper - none that I know of, other than in the collections at UBC BG and possibly Van Dusen. It can be found in nearby areas like the Malcolm Knapp Research Forest in Maple Ridge, however. Low to mid-elevation creek beds are generally where I find it.

    As it is well-known to hikers, a good place to try and find the easiest-to-reach location in the Lower Mainland would be Club Tread. Bear in mind, though, that collection of material would generally require a permit depending on the nature of the public land you are accessing (i.e., if it is a regional or provincial park).

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