Desperately Seeking clematis “Apple Blossom”

Discussion in 'HortForum' started by Mir, Apr 16, 2021.

  1. Mir

    Mir Member

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    Vancouver, Canada
    I have been trying, to no avail, to obtain a clematis Armandii “Apple Blossom”, since last summer.
    I couldn’t find one then, and assumed I just had to wait till spring. I left requests with a couple of nurseries (won’t name them), who never suggested I could, or needed to, make a special order. I have phoned everyone in the lower mainland this spring and left special requests with a couple of them, including Minter Gardens, but nobody has been able to source one. They seem to be abundantly available in the UK and in the US. I am wondering if anyone has a plant and would allow me to take a cutting, or seeds. Or if anyone can suggest a source I might have missed. It would break my heart to have to wait until next spring! Thank you!
  2. Sulev

    Sulev Contributor

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    If you can't find this variety locally, then there is another solution. Vancouver is not far from US. Why don't you just take a road trip and buy from Bellingham? There seem to be several garden centers and nurseries.
    Bellingham WA garden nursery - Google Search
    Or from Seattle...
  3. DavidB52

    DavidB52 Active Member

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    Coquitlam, B.C. Zone 8a
    Gardenworks is pretty accommodating.
    I usually go to the location in Burnaby off Lougheed Highway.
    I do not know if they presently have this type--there are soooooo many versions of Clematis--but every time I have asked them for something, they have made an effort to source it. And they let me know when it will be in.
  4. Daniel Mosquin

    Daniel Mosquin Paragon of Plants UBC Botanical Garden Forums Administrator Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
    Not so easy with borders closed to non-essential travel (and strict regulations about soilbound material moving across borders).

    I would think if Clearview can't procure it, it's going to be difficult.
    Georgia Strait likes this.
  5. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    WA USA (Z8)
    Have you seen this variety in person? Because material under the name on the market here has not been an attractive clear pink. So that I've never felt the need to plant it at all let alone make a focused effort to get it.

    Probably not likely to come true from seed but I don't know - maybe a percentage of them do. At any rate whether trying cuttings or seeds you will have to be able to provide the particular conditions required for each to end up with plants.
    Mir likes this.
  6. DavidB52

    DavidB52 Active Member

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    Coquitlam, B.C. Zone 8a
    I took a quick stroll through the local Home Depot and they have several varieties of Clematis, but no "Apple Blossom."
    They do have "Snowdrift" Evergreen Clematis.

    I'm curious, what is so special about this variety of Clematis?
  7. Georgia Strait

    Georgia Strait Generous Contributor 10 Years

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    South Okanagan & Greater Vancouver, BC Canada
    I am sure someone here has already said that the border has been closed for over one year now to vehicle traffic

    And bringing plants and seeds in either direction over our border is usually not ok — I have seen a packet of commercial seeds fr the well known place in Ladner taken from person for the reasons a border person had and that is fine w me

    Anyway - back to OP
    Apple blossom sounds really nice

    Currently we are not supposed to leave our health authority regions incl ferry trips so at the least if i see one (i have in past) I will ask if nursery can tell me source in the valley and relay to you
    Mir likes this.
  8. Mir

    Mir Member

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    Vancouver, Canada
    Well, it’s supposedly pink, but judging from the previous reply to my thread, maybe it’s not all that pink after all.
    I spoke with a friend who is a gardener, and I settled on a fast growing and hardy clematis that is not evergreen.
  9. DavidB52

    DavidB52 Active Member

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    Coquitlam, B.C. Zone 8a
    I found some!

    I was in Triple Tree Nurseryland in Maple Ridge this morning, and they have several varieties of Clematis--including "Apple Blossom."

    Pot Size: 1
    Zone: 7
    Growth: 20 - 25 feet
    Price: $29.99 each

    If they have some, there's a good chance other local nurseries will have some too.

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