I need some answers regarding my "desert Rose"'s looks and condition. We have a desert rose planted in a large pot outside, next to the front door. The plant has beautiful flowers and green leaves and all visitors like it when they see it. On the other hand, we are concerned with the branches that are looping down;the branches bend down toward the earth. They look like they were made out of rubber. Is this normal? Please let us now.
http://www.tropicanursery.com/adenium/problems.htm This link is one of the best on the web regarding adenium problems. Drooping branches on an adenium is almost never a good sign. Obviously, the plant has lost it's turgor, which means there is a low amount of water in the plant. It could be that it simply is underwatered. So if the soil is excessively dry, give it a drink. However, the above link covers two common problems of adeniums...root rot and caudex rot...both of which can make branches droop. The link above does cover treatments. Good luck. Mark
MYDLP, Mark cover all, my husband is a plants murderer, he did that to my desert rose before. I did notes that when it over water, it wilt with a transparent wet look, when it underwater, it wilt but the branches look dry. One of my desert rose still have a scar from the over water, but it recover if you stop water, I some time let them wilt just a bit then water it, because my desert rose are in big containers, soil may be dry on top, but still wet under. Hope it help. et2007