my desert rose looks fine except for a black fungus on leaves with a white fuzzy growth I tried soapy water a naturel fungus spray no help. this problem is ongoing for about 7 months. Check out this web link. Without a close-up photo, I believe your "white fuzzy growth" might actually be mealy bug nests and larvae. I am not aware of any common plant fungi that create white hyphae,...unless, of course, the plant is dead and decaying. Your black spots may or may not be fungus damage, perhaps mealy bug damage. May be why your anti-fungal treatment did not work. If this sounds plausable, then a cotton swab dipped in some rubbing alcohol should do the trick. Just wipe them off with the alcohol-soaked cotton swab. Those little critters can be deceptive and will hide in any little crack and crevice on the plant. Sometimes it will take a few sessions of cleaning the plant, a few weeks apart. Mark
Thanks for all the input. I do believe that they are melie bugs will try all resourses that were given to me. Thanks bugout4me
yes, sounds like mealy bugs to me also! qtips dipped in rubbing alcohol and then rubbed onto the white fuzzy spots should do the trick. i'd treat again in a week and then again in another week - just to make sure you've gotten any eggs that might be present. also, since it's been such a long term thing, i'd recommend repotting. the mealy's can also live in the soil and they've had plenty of time to migrate from the plant to the soil. depot the plant, gently remove the soil from the roots and discard all of it. clean the pot well (rinse it a couple of times to make sure all residue from your cleaning agent is gone) and then fill with new soil and the plant.