Hope this is the best place for this thread. I did do a search on books, and noticed an earlier thread suggesting a forum dedicated to books (seems like a good idea ?). Does anyone have any good suggestions for books on desert gardening/landscaping ? I just came back from a week in and around Palm Springs, and I really love the natural landscape as well as some of the great urban xeriscape gardening. I don't think I'm looking for anything too technical, more inspirational, although we are dreaming of having our own mid-century get-away there someday. Thanks.
Wow, Neko, Desert landscaping in New Westminster. It might be too wet for true desert plants but you should be able to grow quite a lot of interesting things. "Passionate Gardening - Good Advice for Challenging Climates" by Lauren Springer and Rob Proctor is a good book, inspiring photos, plant combinations and text. They garden in Colorado and deal with altitude, dry extreme heat and hail the size of baseballs. Beth Chatto's "The Undaunted Garden - Planting for Weather Resistant Beauty" is another good one you might like. Her garden is in Essex, England. The 'dry' side of the country, apparently. Again, interesting plant combinations and tons of good advice and ideas. Keep your eye out for regional magazines from the Southwest. Sometimes they have them at Chapters or other bookstores. Flip through. If you see an idea you love and can adapt to your space, buy it and use it as a starting point.
This web site might be of interest. If you pile coarse, excessively drained soil in a sunny place you can in fact grow a desert in this region. http://www.desertnorthwest.com/
Thanks for the replies - I wasn't really thinking of incorporating desert landscaping into our West coast garden. I was only looking for inspiration if/when we find a second property in Palm Springs. I found this book, which looks okay.... http://www.amazon.ca/Palm-Springs-S...=UTF8&coliid=IC3ST2QMIUWF8&colid=BGCC5W0K6S97