Hello, I've been looking for this information for quite some time, but have not been able to find it. I am a reptile enthusiast, a few days ago I went to the nursery to pick up some plants for my lizard terrariums. After speaking with the lady who owned or worked there for a while, I ended up buying some delosperma basuticum and some sedum spurium. As for the sedum spurium, some sites seem to indicate to me that its leaves are in fact edible to humans, so I'm pretty sure if my lizards did take a little bite or two, they should be ok. Unfortunately, I cannot find any information for toxicity of the delosperma basuticum . I just want to make sure these things wont kill my lizards if they decide they want to eat the plant. Any information any of you can give me on this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you and take care, Eric