This is a bit of this and that, mostly everything that was anywhere near in focus. Douglas Justice mentioned in this month's newsletter on winter gems that Sorbus 'Joseph Rock' is one of the plants that "light up the David C. Lam Asian Garden like so many Christmas lights". I thought of Christmas decorations when I saw the fruits on this Davidia involucrata. Other fruits: Ligustrum japonicum, Pyracantha atalantioides, and Cotoneaster dammeri with Jasminum nudiflorum. I don't remember if the Jasmine was fragrant, but the Colletia still has flowers that are fragrant way beyond their number and size. I thought there would be fruits on this by now, but I didn't notice any. Coming into flower is this yet to be identified Camellia on Upper Asian Way at Farges. My favourite leaves today were on this Rhododendron hodgsonii. And favourite bark was on the Acer pensylvanicum. The new red branches against the heavier white trunk and older branches were a nice touch.
I'm wondering if that Cotoneaster is actually C. x suecicus. There is a history of cultivars of it being sold as C. dammeri forms, and the way the one looks in your picture to me makes me think it is the hybrid. Note, for instance, that the fruits of the one shown are tending to be subglobose rather than globose. The habit and foliage also appear to me to be those of the hybrid.