Wanting to see if anyone has experienced a similar problem - and how they tested or resolved the issues. Last year I noticed three alder trees on a slope below my neighbor's house died. These were relatively young trees, but it is a rocky slope so I assumed it was lack of water. This year on the flat at the based of the slope, I had a five year old weeping willow die. Not a water problem; the tree is close to a pond. Also, the pond weeds are stimulated, but the water color is brown, not green (as I would expect with heavy nitrogen loading) I suspect because I am downslope of the neighbors septic system that the cause of the tree death may be from chemicals leaching from the septic field. Not clear if that is possible. I don't believe they are using pesticides, or heavy metal products, but wondered if simply the load from normal household use (e.g., clothes soap, etc) could impact the trees. Any experience or thoughts out there? Please and thank you.