I Am A Landscape Company Owner And Service A Day Care Center For Children Up To The Age Of Four. While Weeding Their "hands On Learning Garden" And Unusual Plant Caught My Attention, I Had Never Seen A Vegtible Plant Like This Before And Being That I Have An As Degree In Horticulture I Have Never Until This Point Saw A Vegtible Plant Here In New Jersey (newark) That I Could Not Name Or At Least Recognize. I Am Very Concerned As The Children Work With The Staff On This Garden Daily And Being That They Are Constantly (my Child At Least!) Putting Their Hands In Their Mouths And Being Able To Experience Growing And Tasting The Vegtibales They Have Grown Scares The Heck Out Of Me! Can They Be Harmed Touching The Leaves Or Seed Pods Then Putting Their Hands In Mouths Or Does It Have To Be Ingested? Please Reply With Any Help As Soon As Possible. Many Thanks, Italia
I'm not sure about datura, but brugmansia which is easily just about the same thing, but not quite, is hallucenegenic, and isn't recommended for small kids who eat plants. I wouldn't hide this plant among edibles, as it most likely has the same properties.
i believe all parts of datura are toxic. there are several species, Datura stramonium (Jimson Weed) is one that I learned about in my weed ID course. My professor said that it is highly hallucinogenic and "will put you 6 foot under" several hours after ingestion. Also, at a nursery I worked at they sold some species of it and had warning signs posted that it was indeed toxic to humans and pets. Better not chance it, especially at a daycare. I have a 12 month old who would definitely be courious what that spikey ball was all about.
Yes it is a Datura & yes it is toxic/hallucinogen. I would consider though, that there must be a reasonable explanation of why the plant is in the garden. Anyone who claims to be a gardener (especially ones who teach others & care for childeren) should be aware of the more toxic common plants (of which the self seeding Datura would be included). A non-confrontational approach to establish if there is a reasonable explanation might be in order. If you're not satisfied with either the explanation or the knowledge level of the garden caretakers, a more upfront approach should be taken. Simon
Thank You All For Your Input. I Went To Talk To My Customer This Evening Sand Showed Them The Literature That Was Sent To Me, Including The History Of This Species. They Were Very Concerned And Are Investing The Situation. They Had My Crew And I Pull Out All The Plants Immediately. Again, Thank You All So Much.....it Very Well Might Have Saved A Child's Life. Best Regards, Italia