In early feb this yr we planted 3 date palms (pigmy) The name on them was robelenii. Each of these palms had about 4 trunks that were 4to6" in diamater. The large branches made the trees about 4to5'tall. We watered them well after putting a gardensoil mulch around each root ball. Within a short time many of the lower branches turned brown, so I cut them off. I waited a couple of weeks then applied palm fertlizer around the base, raked and watered it in. Now I have only a few green branches left- so today- I applied miracle grow acid to them since our soil is very alkuline. Should I cut off the rest of the dead branches? Last week I applied superthrive to them and gave them a deep watering as our temps in az reached the 80's. This week we are in the 70's. Super thrive can be used with fertlizeres monthly or weekly. Its for stressed plants in shock and these definately are. Even tho the label said roebeleni that palm when I looked it up said single trunked this is multiple trunked or clumped so perhaps these palms are reclinata a senegal date palm?. I have seen these same small clumped trees planted by the sidewalks in youngtown az by a shopping area. Any suggestions? I would hate to have to dig them up and return them to home depot. They were so pretty when we first planted them. They get 1/2 day full sun.
Do you have any pics of the palm? You may have a pigmy date I got one for my bday and it was in a three and I noticed a decrease of green fronds and found that alot of times on pigmys if they were in pots have these microscopic white insects on the trunk. To get rid of them I used a cotton swab and some rubbing alchol and rubbed them off, there is many other kinds of pestacides/ funguscides on the market that will get rid of these bugs as well, another problem with the pigmy's is deficiencies go on and see what kind you may have, and they have different spikes specially designed for these deficiencies. Also try using superthrive every time you water that might take the shock down as well. Hope this helps, Tom24
Thanks I'll check this out tommorrow. Am going to cut off the dead branches too. Each plant has 3 and 4 palm trunks about 4 to 8" diamater.