Where can one find ones a Daphne x susannae ‘Cheriton’ to purchase? I would love to add one to my flower garden here in Cumming, GA, 30041 USA Thank you, John Detwiler
Hey 3dbman, I removed your email address from your post. It caused your first post to be blocked. We don't recommend putting your email in the post. Members can easily send you an email or private message by clicking your name. I don't know of a source in your area, but hopefully someone will contact you.
If you can't find North American sources searching the internet maybe it is not present on this continent, or at least not on the market. What is its history, did it originate here or overseas? Lots of plants can be found on the web that are not available outside of Europe. (We, of course also have numerous plants here that are not on the market there).