I have a dear friend in a retirement center that is trying to find a tree she had at her home. She describes it as having flowers that look like daisys. Can anyone give me a clue as to what this flowering tree could be? I would love to surprise her with one for Mother's Day.
Euryops pectinatus grown as a Standard? http://www.broadfieldgardens.com/rental/plants/Miscellaneous/DSC07858.jpg HTH Chris
I love that tree! But what I am looking for has white flowers. I am thinking it might be more of a bush that grows tall. It is hard to idenitfy with so little info. All I know is the flowers are whate and look like daiseys. Thanks for replying, much appreciated. I will have to look into the tree you sent me for myself.
Maybe a species of Montanoa such as M. hibiscifolia, M. bipinnatifida, or M. arborescens, or Scalesia pendunculata.
star magnolia http://www.floridata.com/ref/m/magno_st.cfm maybe, it has a shrub-like appearance with daisy looking flowers