I just trimmed my 30 yr old cypress hedge with a new electric trimmer about 3 weeks ago. The hedge now appears to by dying -turning brown all over - from the tips. Very strange. There was plenty of green left on it but I cut all of this years growth. There's been plenty of rain since. What can explain it ? Noticed the electric trimmer wasn't giving a 'scissor' cut, because of a tiny gap between the blades, leaving a 'whiskery' cut, but surely that slight tearing rather than clean cut couldn't have distressed it so ? I always put a little light oil on the cutter blades, same stuff I used on the hand shears for all those years without problem. The neighbour cut his side of the same hedge with a different cutter a few days later. It's not dying at all. Any ideas ?
That's a good question Michael. I only have smart phone ( not so smart when it comes to posting photos on forums). This may take some time ...