Hi All, Purchased a cycad plant from Lowe's garden center today and was checking online as to what to expect, how to care for etc. The sales pitch on the tag labeled it a "Plant of Steel" meaning very low maintenance easy house plant, "Just a cup of water every two weeks is all it needs". I looked up possible pests to be aware of and mostly it talked about scales, tiny legless eyeless critters that look like white powder and eventually can take over and kill a cycad. Well, on closer inspection of the trunk I see this. Tell me the thing didn't come pre-loaded with scales? Or is it supposed to look like this. :/ I've never owned one before. I've searched online and I can't seem to find a closeup photograph of the top of a potted sago palm trunk. Is this powder, or fur? It looks evenly distributed all round the plant, and nothing is on the leaves. If its not scales, what is it? Could it be just a harmless mold, perhaps they've been misting it at the store? :/ ? ? ?
I'm pretty sure (from what you can see in the picture anyway) that isn't scale... There is a picture and description of scale here It might be a fungus from being too damp or humid though. You could try scraping it off, to be extra safe maybe cover you mouth / nose in case you release any harmful spores.
It looks healthy to me. I don't see any scale. The downy fuzz looks like plant hairs. Scale will appear as little fluffy white spots.
Thanks, this afternoon had a nursery specialist look at it he says no the white crust is not scale, its powdery mildew. The brown fuzz is part of the plant. saved!