Cuttings from Monkey Puzzle?

Discussion in 'Araucariaceae' started by Eric La Fountaine, Jul 12, 2004.

  1. Eric La Fountaine

    Eric La Fountaine Contributor Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    sw USA
    The following was sent via email:

    my nan has a monkey tree in her garden. its taller than her house and is about 50 years old. she has sadly passed away and the house is being sold on mon 5th july 2004. we would like to know how to take clippings of the tree so as we can all try and grow one in our gardens in memory of our nan. there is large ball like seeds on the top of the tree are they seeds? if so how do you get them off with out being spiked. if not how do we get a clipping the monkey puzzle tree has really puzzled us......

    please help.

  2. jimmyq

    jimmyq Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    I don't think you can take cuttings from a monkey puzzle, you may have to wait for cone prodction (hopefully it is a female tree and provides seeds) to propogate the plant. Perhaps talk to the new owners and make an arrangement to harvest the seeds and cones for one or two years until the colony has reproduced to your satisfaction. It should be a reasonable thing to ask I would think.
  3. we already have a cone how do we get the monkey seeds out

    hi i posted a email about my nans tree whom house is now sold in a desperate attempt to save the tree and possibly regrow one as the new owners are cutting it down we have taken off several cones but they look a little premature it is a female tree and we would like to know if we can now plant the seeds in the cones and how to get them out and how to grow them? we would be very greatful for any information regarding this about our monkey puzzle tree that will be deeply missed ive watched it growing for 27years and it seems such a shame to not try and grow one from these weird cones? help please anyone..............

  4. Hello??? Monkey puzzle trees are monoecious! They have both male and female leaves!!! Ofcourse it will provide seads!!
  5. Daniel Mosquin

    Daniel Mosquin Paragon of Plants UBC Botanical Garden Forums Administrator Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
    A monoecious monkey puzzle tree is uncommon at best, perhaps 1-2% of all individuals.
  6. In all ym Araucania reading I have never heard of it being able to be cloned. There are male and female trees. I suggest you use some botanical resources on the net and determine which type of tree your nans is. If its female, that would be ideal, because then you can just locate another mature male tree and get some of the pollen from it to produce seeds. If its male, then youll want to harvest those bunches at the top and locate a female tree to produce seeds. Either way youre getting something genetically unique and wont serve the original purpose of preserving your nans tree! I would suggest finding out if the new owner wants to chop it down, and if they are going to then pay the tree men to help bonsai the tree for you- I.E. saw it off only to the lowest branch, an attempt to uproot it with some of the roots intact. Preserving a 50 year old Araucania sounds like a tough job no matter what you try- good luck!
  7. Michael F

    Michael F Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    Britain zone 8/9
    It is possible to take cuttings of it, but ONLY using the erect lead shoot. It won't work with side branches.

    Seed would be a better idea, they are falling around now, look for thick, heavy, solid seeds - if they are soft and 'squashable', discard them (those are empty)
  8. Ralph Walton

    Ralph Walton Active Member 10 Years

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    There is a term that escapes me right now (starts with "e") referring to a shoot from a dormant bud on the trunk (I guess previously dormant). These shoots can be started under mist from some of the Auraucarias and will grow properly. Shoots from branches can be similarly started but will have a prostrate growth habit (that's another term, starts with a "p").

    I've wondered if that could be done intentionally to produce a shrub instead of a tree where there is not enough room? Anybody comment on that?

    Ralph (sorry about the brain freeze in paragraph one. I'll go get some fresh air and I'll be fine)
  9. Michael F

    Michael F Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    Britain zone 8/9
    Epicormic. Yes, if there are any of those available, they would work too, as long as they are erect.
  10. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    A funny thing they sometimes do is grow new branches from a bare trunk that produce cones of a different sex than the rest of the crown.
  11. glycogirl

    glycogirl Member

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    Surrey, BC
    Hi Claire, I was wondering if you ever did get your cuttings for your monkey tree to grow? I am facing mine being cut down tomorrow and am looking online to see how to take cuttings. Any suggestions. I have never done anything like this before, and am having a challenge finding exact details.
    Thanks Cindy ( from Surrey BC )

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