I found this small plant at a local grocer. I couldn't resist it for its citrus-like shiny leaves and the ping pong sized pods that it's three trunks are growing out of. It is currently 11 inches tall. Thank you for any input you may have.
Castanospermum australe. Common name: Moreton Bay Chestnut. I was tempted to buy one the other day; nice looking plant. Anyone know what it looks like when it grows bigger and whether it's suitable for indoors long-term?
huge I bought this plant at target because it is so beautiful. I found some information about it on the internet. I think it grows to be a tree. But a lot of people also talk about it as being a hardy indoor plant. winter temp 55deg min, and normal temp is 78degF. Keep away from heating or cooling vents. and keep the soil evenly moist peace and love