Please can anyone identify this tiny Polygonatum. I love all Polygonatums and couldn't resist this, labelled as P.species. So far I haven't managed a positive id. Help please!!!
Polygonatun graminifolium
Thank you Steve for the suggestion of Polygonatum graminifolium. This is one we also grow. Ours looks just like the pic from the 2nd link from Edrom nursery.( A really 1st rate nursery, owned by Cath and Terry, a young couple who grow many wonderful plants. Just near Berwick on Tweed. We may even have bought ours from them.) Both links show pics of P. graminifolium. However, they show completely different plants! Which is the correct one? Link 1, does look very like cute,pink and dwarf. The mystery deepens!
The two links cited do appear show somewhat different plants and the first one is closer to your plant and agrees better with Polygonatum hookeri. Polygonatum hookeri would appear to be the better match for your plant. It may be the choicest species in the entire genus. Polygonatum graminifolium and P. hookeri are apparently closely allied. They are discussed in Curtis's Botanical Magazine 24 (1): 58-62, t. 583 (2007) but I have not yet seen the article.