cut/propagate pony-tail??

Discussion in 'Plant Propagation' started by branwyn, Aug 4, 2006.

  1. branwyn

    branwyn Member

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    arlington, texas, U.S.
    hi yall. i'm a VERY amateur gardener, and everything we own is in a pot, since we live in an apartment.... doin' the best I can, and seem to be doin' alright as mostly we have live healthy plants.... the thing is, my fiance had this pony tail from before, and I know nothing about it. Checked out a couple threads, there wasn't anything definative (did I spell that right? :0) ). It's getting too tall, prob a little taller than me if it was standing real straight, and I'm 5'2.... We want to cut it to keep it from continuing to get these stalks that are kind of flimsy, but I hate to do it if we'll have to lose the top..... how do i cut it, can I repot the top? What do I do. And listen, I really am kinda afraid to do this, its a beautiful plant, and I learned alot already on those other threads, but could ya make sure they are real simply put, step by step instructions? I would appreciate all the help I can get. Thanks!

  2. Padraigan

    Padraigan Active Member

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    Kamloops B.C. Canada
    Would it be possible for you to post a photo of this plant?
  3. Barry B

    Barry B Member

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    Johannesburg, South Africa
    I am wondering whether the ' pony tail ' is what I know as Beaucarnia Recurvata. ..... Sorry bout seemingly important touch to reply. I do not know many plants by its common name.

    If it is Beaucarnia, cut it off. Seal the cut on top with a pruning sealer to reduce moisture loss. Just one thing, many new heads will grow from the cut area.

    Take the piece you have cut off and replant in a new pot, after having applied some hormone powder. Then watch this grow as well.
  4. Padraigan

    Padraigan Active Member

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    Kamloops B.C. Canada
    Hi Barry,

    If you are right with the botanical name, I'd like to ask you a question about your reply to Branwyn.
    I have a small elephant's foot plant. (ponytail palm) and to save it, can I cut the top off and follow your instructions.. The foot part of it has lost most of it's roots and the ones that are left are pretty much dried up. The foot also is slightly caved in and seems a little squishy by touch but not too much. I asked about this before in another thread and was told it was toast by one person and the other person replied , " that it's not over until it's over" and I tend to agree. I did not know about this method that you have mentioned here. The foliage is perfectly healthy.
    What do you think?
    And I have to admit that I sort of shuddered when Bronwyn said that she wanted to cut the top off.
    Bronwyn could you post a picture or two????
    And thanks Barry......
  5. branwyn

    branwyn Member

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    arlington, texas, U.S.
    thanks yall. I appreciate it alot. gonna give it a shot. cross your fingers! i'm not sure what its 'real' name is, but he tells me its a pony-tail palm, and indeed, it does have little 'pony-tails'. Only cutting it cuz its gettin' long and spindly.

    yall have a great day!

  6. Barry B

    Barry B Member

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    Johannesburg, South Africa

    I would think that the elephants foot plant could be the beaucarnia recurvata as the surface of the "ball" on which the roots grow, has the texture of an elephants foot. The fact that the "ball" is slightly squishy, makes me think it has some sort of rot problem. Not sure whether it can be cured.

    The cutting off of the top is something I do in my nursery regularly in order to get multi headed plants to put into pots. Once cut off, it grows may new " heads" which I prune out to keep the number I want.

    Good luck with your plant. Maybe yo would like some systemic fungicide and I would say, do not water too much.

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