My Curly Bamboo has turned yellow-ish and I don't know why or what do to? I have asked a lot of people and nobody seems to have the answer short of throwing it away and starting over! Any thoughts?
Yellowing on your lucky bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana) can be caused by too much fertilizer, or too much direct light. It's best to change the water each week or two so it doesn't get sour. Sometimes these plants can go down hill when they've been in water for a few years. I planted two in soil after about a year in water, just in case. All you can now is cut the stalk an inch above the yellowing near one of the rings. Keep it out of water overnight so the end dries, then place it back in about an inch of fresh water. If the stem your rooting is healthy and not effected by what's going on, it should grow new roots.