A very narrow form of Arizona Cypress. Plant will be 20ft. (6.10m) tall and 4 ft (1.22m) wide in 20 years. Likes drier soil. Zone 5. Dave
No, it doesn't. Maybe later it will pull up into a spire. Or it varies regionally, as do many cypress family conifers, some areas producing narrow habits and other broad from the same cultivar.
Hello Michael, "Doesn't seem any narrower than normal wild type to me". Valid point. It doesn't appear to be what the tag from Stanley & Sons indicated it was. Has not become pendulous or weeping at this point. About 1 ft. (0.30m) tall when I planted it 5 years ago with a double leader which I cut out. I posted it as 'Blue Spire' well aware there could be some discussion regarding cultivar name. Hopefull somebody will have some input. Dave