Some may find the following information useful found in the attached PDF. Title: Culture and Propagation of Japanese Maple By: Guy Phillips Professional Paper submitted to the Faculty of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Forestry Table of Contents -Introduction -Japanese Maples: Value and Appeal -General Culture -Soils -Climate / Microclimates -Container Cultivation and Transplanting -Economic Sketch -Propagation Propagation by Seed Grafting Propagation by Stem Cuttings Softwood Cutting Procedure and Environment Aftercare of Rooted Cuttings Propagation by Hardwood Cuttings -Cultural Challenges -Fungal Diseases Cankers Chlorosis Insects/Pests Leaf Scorch -Leaf Color Fading of Red Leaf Varieties -Summary -Literature Cited