I have planted a great shade tree in the front yard (West view) to block the afternoon sun from beating on the front of the house and so we can enjoy our new porch. My brother-in-law says it is a weed but it has big leaves and beautiful popcorn (looking) bloosoms that bloom in May/June. They do have ugly string bean looking seedlings. If you have any pictures of Cucumber Magnolias or coould tell me what kind of tree it is I would greatly appreciate it!
Sounds more like Catalpa speciosa which some people do consider a bit weedy. I like it though.... Flowers of Magnolia acuminata look a bit like a green tulip with narrow petals.
Thanks I googled that species name and that was exactly it. They also said it is considered a weedy plant. I love it, grows fast and provides awesome shade to the front porch. thanks again