This is a post I put up some time ago, and I thought I'd try it again here, now that there's a forum for it. :-) Hello. I have had a Pachypodium geayi (known affectionately as my Stick of Death) for about 10 or so years and it's always grown very well until the last couple of years. The new leaves emerging at the top don't fully develop. They wilt and soften, and turn brown and shrivel up. Sometimes they look like they have minute crystals on them, as do the newly emerged spines around the growing tip. In the past year I know it hasn't had enough sunlight, but this problem has been going on for longer than that. If anyone has any suggestions, I'd be very thankful. ..tuula
The crystals are likely dried sap. The better question is why is there small amounts of sap leaking out from the new growth sites. Without a close-up photo of the plant, the symptoms appear to be a result of mealy bugs or some other small sap-sucking bug infestation. Wiping the plant with a cotton-tipped swab dipped in isopropyl alchohol (rubbing alcohol) should take care of any little critters. If they are there, they will be near the new growth areas, under the leaves, and in any little place they can hide. If the plant had an infection, you would have likely had a dead plant by now, given this has been going on for some time. This page is a nice culture guide and covers such things as pests.
Thanks for the suggestions. I'll give it a thorough checking over and some swabbing. I've recently installed it under plant lights so I hope that will also help with its health in general. Those are lovely pictures of mature plants! Mine has a long way to go to attain such majesty - it's only about 90cm tall, which for now is good as it's getting more and more difficult to move. Last time I moved with it, it was sitting on the floor of the passenger side of the car and it tipped over when I went round a corner, and ended up lying on my leg. It was summer. I was wearing shorts. Needless to say we pulled over shortly thereafter. ..tuula