Cryptomeria Yoshino's At Risk

Discussion in 'Gymnosperms (incl. Conifers)' started by mzroma, Jan 14, 2006.

  1. mzroma

    mzroma Member

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    Indian Trail, North Carolina
    16 (6Ft) container grown Cyprtomeria Yoshino, professionally planted in full sun Oct. 29th, 2005 are under my care. I've read all previous posts and still have questions.

    What is the proper care for these trees, in the foothills of North Carolina, border line zones 7-8? I too was told to water (pressure as if I forgot to turn off the hose) 10-15 minutes per tree every 2-3 days. More often for a mild winter and less often when it rained regualry.

    One of the trees is complete brown, except for some green at the bottom. Do I cut off all of the limbs in hope that new branches will form? Should I continue to water this tree hoping to regain life? When I called the nursery they told me I over-watered.

    My remaining trees grew about 1ft. since planting, but now they are turning brown on the tops of the "leaves" and are full green underneath. Even some of the new growth is turning brown on the tips. Are these at risk or being burned from the sun?

    I saw a green bug the size of a large beetle on my tree. Is this bug causing damage?

    What is a rust problem?

    Do I have a fungus and should I treat? If yes, with what?

    Should I cut off the brown spots and treat with Clorox? If yes, what is the percentage of water, if any, in the solution?

    What is the best time of day to water? Is there a cut-off time before nightfall?

    Our temps can range from 30's at night to 60's mid-day. When is it too cold to water to avoid root damage?

    When can I fertilize the tree and will this help them regain life? Our temps become milder in March so I pray that they will last until them. I was told March/April I could fertilize, but I'm not sure if I trust these instructions.

    Photo was taken November 19th. I don't have a current picture but will get one if absolutely needed for your response.


    Attached Files:

  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Not here
    In the picture most of them look quite green. Closer shots will be needed to get any kind of real idea what might be going on--except that there are "mulch volcanoes" mounded up on top of them quite apparently. This is a mistake. Pull the mulch back away from the tops. You should make a bed that encompasses all of them and gives them plenty of grass free area. The mulch could be spread around over this new bed.

    Perhaps you will get something out of this: Chalker-Scott/Fact Sheets/Planting fact sheet.pdf
  3. Cyprtomeria tend to go brown or bronze in winter, so don't panic. They do not need much special care, so unless you can find a pest it may be best to wait and see. There is no need to fertilize at all unless your soil flat out sucks. There is no need to water unless it is very dry. Don't mess with the soil. Most often we "kill with kindness". It's a tree... plant it in the right spot and ignore it.

    I'll bet they green up just fine in the spring.


    SandyHill from eastern NC
  4. mzroma

    mzroma Member

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    Indian Trail, North Carolina
    SandyHill and Ron B,

    Thanks to you both. I drove to a nursery today to see what their Cryptomeria Yoshino's looked liked and much to my surprise, they too were bronzed. Sandy, this was before I read your posting. So, like a new parent I am somewhat comforted knowing that this is common.

    Nevertheless, I did get current pictures, as suggested by Ron, capturing the worst and some of the better ones. But because of the file size limit I cannot attach them to this thread.
  5. Daniel Mosquin

    Daniel Mosquin Paragon of Plants UBC Botanical Garden Forums Administrator Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
  6. mr.shep

    mr.shep Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    San Joaquin Valley, California
    Yoshino will naturally have some bronzing in the
    overall cast for color due to cooler temperatures.
    Our Cryptomeria japonica 'Elegans' turn almost
    a violet bronze in color every Winter for us here.

    The tree that is brown with some green at the lower
    portions of the tree does have a problem. Needle
    cast due to a rust fungus is prevalent in Yoshino.
    It is common to lose a few trees of it in a group
    planting when these trees are young in warmer and
    in dry climates. When the trees get about 20 years
    of age they will overcome some of the effects of
    the rust fungus but it is hard to wait that long for
    the trees to develop the resistance. The dropping
    of the needles in Winter could be a result of a
    spider mite infestation during the Summer. A
    good shower of water from the top down during
    the hot and dry months will help act as a mite

    With Cryptomeria we want to ensure plenty
    of moisture but we also have to have fast drainage
    as we kill more of these trees when we over water
    them. We deep water them when they are first
    planted and once they have been in the ground
    for a year we cut way back on the water in areas
    that have high to medium humidity. Fertilizing
    Yoshino with any heavy amounts of Nitrogen is
    a death sentence. The mulch can compensate
    for any additional Nitrogen but I think you have
    too much of it also, too much too near the base
    of the trees. You may want to invest some
    dollars into having a soil analysis done and
    learn how much organic matter you do have
    in the soil. By the looks of the other Conifers
    the soil testing is optional but if you are
    serious about growing Yoshino or want to
    add in additional Conifers then it will more
    than likely be a wise investment for you.
    The comment that we kill Cryptomeria with
    too much kindness is accurate. Some areas
    can indeed pop them into the ground and leave
    them alone but in warmer climates without
    marine air and with alkaline soils we have to
    compensate and adapt for soil/water/plant

  7. GRSJr

    GRSJr Active Member 10 Years

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    Raleigh, NC
    Cryptomeria japonica 'Elegans' do bronze in winter here in the NC piedmont, but our 'Yoshino' stays nice and green even in the worst of winters.

    It's planted in the worst of clay soils, receives only rain water, gets no fertilizer, but thrives. It's grown from a cutting taken at the National Arboretum in DC in November 1983. The beauty is over 40 ft tall now.

    So heed the good advice and stop babying it, get rid of the thick mulch near the trunk, and let it grow.

    When our tree was very young, several spots turned brown. I pruned them out and no more appeared as it got established.

    I just took cuttings to propagate for some friends - the literature says February is the best time - and they look good so far.

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