Crispa v Crippsii

Discussion in 'Maples' started by Jaybee63, Mar 20, 2016.

  1. Jaybee63

    Jaybee63 Rising Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    Fareham, Hampshire. Hi UK
    i have a large specimen of Crippsii which matches the description and photos posted on this various threads here.
    I have now obtained Crispa and have yet to see it in leaf. However looking through various old threads and online resources it seems as thou they are one and the same, jus a different interpretation of spelling the name.
    Are they the same or different, any thoughts? Once they leaf out I can compare but maybe someone knows the answer.

  2. Houzi

    Houzi Active Member 10 Years

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    Kent England
    I'm sure those with better memory than me can provide more info,but the cultivar'Crippsii' has been discussed here before.
    Apparently if my memory is correct the original plant was/is at Hilliers and is a linearlobum.All the plants I've seen available are the curly leaved type similar to 'Okushimo'.Crispa and the fake Crippsii usually resemble this type,the original seems all but lost in cultivation.
  3. Jaybee63

    Jaybee63 Rising Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    Fareham, Hampshire. Hi UK
    Hi Houzi. I had searched out and read the old threads but was still unsure. My Crippsii looks like Okushimo with the rolled leaves. I will wait for Crispa to Leah out and post pics of both plants.

    ROEBUK Generous Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    West Yorkshire, England
    Tried both years ago, just didn't do it for me some how, not much to look, at more exciting cultivars out there? but each to their own !!
  5. Jaybee63

    Jaybee63 Rising Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    Fareham, Hampshire. Hi UK
    Roebuk, was there a difference between Crispa and Crippsii.

    My Crippsii is large and has a nice compact upright growth habit which I like.

    ROEBUK Generous Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    West Yorkshire, England
    From my records i bought these years ago when i first started with JM from Hippo nursery, remember the Cripsa/Okushimo was my favourite of the two very tightly rolled tube like leaves, lush green colour then turning orange/gold in the fall. The Crippsii was slightly different having more of a strap like leaf similar to an Enkan but not as long always looked a poorly plant could'nt seem to get this one going much and it just finally gave up the ghost as they do after a couple of seasons.

    Never bothered to replace either can't say i have seen these anywhere else on my travels over the years,i know there seems to be some confussion as to the names of these trees and the description but the two i had you could definately see a difference in both of them.

    Nice to see your plants leafing out, would like a few more weeks on mine at the bud stage at present before they start to break. British weather you just can't tell when you are out of the woods remember last year in the north we had a couple of bad air frost nights at the back end of April which burnt a few of my trees leaves, thankfully they recovered through the course of the season.

    Hope thats helped somewhat?

  7. Jaybee63

    Jaybee63 Rising Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    Fareham, Hampshire. Hi UK
    Weird, my Crippsii has not had any issues and is always healthy, I have to wonder if JMs sometimes suffer from not being grafted to uniform rootstock, especiLly when you look at the different rates of growth between seedlings. Would be interesting to know others thoughts on this.

    Talking about weather, it looks like we are about to be battered for the next 10 days, and I was looking forward to Spring. Oh well, looks like time in the gardens going to be limited.
    I will post pictures of both cultivars once they leaf out and over the season.


    ROEBUK Generous Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    West Yorkshire, England
    Would be interested to see how yours progress over the season, when i had both mine it was very early in my maple adventure trek so i never really bothered taking photos at this time of anything really,only began with the advent of the digital camera age , now i record everything!! always good to look back and see where i went wrong.

    Beautiful day in the north today managed to get finished all my digging and resituating some large container maples from the top end of the garden to the lower garden area, this allowing a bit more shade for some of my larger trees. Will be interesting to see how they progress this year and if i can promote some better colourations with less light/sun, a few which i moved down here last year did very well colour wise. Forecast for rain and winds tomorrow back to normal then !!


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