Dear friends, After your help and advices to my “ which one to choose “ topic; today I have planted my Crimson Queen, after reading all what is posted to the forum. But still I have some doubts and need your opinions to make the necessary changes. As mentioned before, my garden soil is clay. That reason I dig a hole of 1 meter wide and 35 cms deep. To the bottom I laid big grains of river sand, then a better garden soil, and repeated it 3 times till the level of the ground. Placed the pot soil on this level and sorraunded it with fine river sand plus same good garden soil. At front, starting from behind the stones, there is a drainage canal, going about half a meter away and abt 25 cms deep. And behind a hose reaching under the roots. Besides all other comments you will make, what I wonder if the bed pyramid is too little for the roots to go to the sides and does it have to be something like more cylindirical, to give more soil/place for the roots, that want to spread to the sides but not to towards the bottom. Thanks for your kind helps. Tugrul
The bands of different texture are if anything just going to interfere with movement of water. The pipe I don't see doing anything useful either. Get some good topsoil, dump that on top of the ground in a big enough pile to support the future growth of the tree, and plant in that. Mulch after planting. No bands or zones of different material other than the original soil below, the topsoil in the middle and the mulch on top.
I find it difficult to disagree with that Your 'pyramid' is a lot higher than I would have made as well, although that might not be a problem at the end of the day
I have VERY clay soil and do not do too much to change it. When I plant, I dig a wide hole, might incorporate a small amount of better soil on the bottom, and take care not to plant too deep (perhaps most important). That's about it. I know my trees grow slower because my dad lives close by and he has great soil and maples, so I have something to compare to (be jealous of). Doesn't bother me because I have space constraints anyway. I completely agree with the posters above that multi-tiered bands may not be a great idea. I would think you would risk air pockets too.
Thanks all for your advices. Ofcourse I cannot comment on JP, but really my soil is soo bad, sometimes I make simple pots out of it, just for fun and allways had pitty for the plant roots, to think how they can go through when so difficult for me to dig. First 2 years our plants were not good, then I took them all out and put some good soil+ river sand and the soil became more soft and the result, so far seems better. Yes, a good soil is something to be jealous about. My crimson queen, is not at deep but tomorrow I will largen the bed by adding top soil. Thanks again