My husband bought me a C.Q.J.P. Mother's Day 2008. It did have some green on the leaves(I read about that being normal) and the tips of some leaves appeared brown or dried. The end of October to middle of November it became quite coloful but within two weeks every darned leaf fell off!! Now it's Nov. 17th, 2008 and all I have is a 3' high bare bones skeleton. Is this normal?? I notice a lot of these trees around and they still have the deep red leaves. Thanks for any insight anyone can give me.
Yes that is completely normal for you location. The "bare bones skeleton"-- winter outline, may attain great beauty with age and a bit of judicious pruning.
Thank you sooooooooooooooo much for your reply. I thought I was going to have to go buy a new one and replace it (behind my husbands back!)
Dispatcher, If you look on the stems of 'Crimson Queen' at where the leaves have fallen you will/should see lively looking buds that will unfold with fresh growth next spring.
I noticed those buds and was hoping they would be starters for next year but being a first time owner I wasn't sure. Now I can look forward to the spring!
BTW, since the tree is recently planted, it may have lost its leaves a little early because of the stress. Nothing to worry about, but next year (or after) it may well hold the leaves longer.