Hello! I am starting a garden on my zone 7 roof deck, which has no structures or walls to protect from wind. Does anybody have any suggestions ?
If you don't put up fencing or treillage then you will have to plant hedging and tough it out until it fills in. Shrubbery is better for cutting wind than fencing anyway.
Thanks! I was considering building tall wooden cabinets with planters on top to create a shield. How tall would you think they need to be, and what in addition to evergreens would be sturdy enough to create a good hedge?
The optimum when using plants is low ones catching the first of the wind, with the screen gradually building in height to the back - so that gusts are lifted over the garden, to come to earth again some distance beyond. With limited space you just have to put up something to cut it as best you can. The more fluffy and bushy the planting the more wind it will absorb. Solid barriers like solid fencing or building walls deflect and compress wind, so that it rushes along them with even more force than in the open.