I have noticed a number of trees that grow in North Carolina (piedmont area) also do well in the lower mainland, BC. Does anyone know whether my favourite from NC, the crape myrtle, will also grow here in BC and, if so, where I can purchase one?
Plant against hot sunny wall, near pavement for optimum flowering. If same availability there as here garden centers will have them in season, if not now. "Cold hardy, and mildew-free, with lovely smooth-barked trunks. It needs a warm site to flower fully, such as against a heat-radiating wall. There are white-, pink- and red-flowered selections, as well as dwarf varieties." http://www.arthurleej.com/a-Trees of merit.html
Paulette - sounds like you might like to know that UBC is developing a Carolinian Forest garden. The first bed has been planted out as a demonstration for fundraising for the other beds.