I have an ornamental crabapple in the yard of the home where I've lived for 4 years. It's roughly 15 ft high and the trunk about a foot in diameter, so fairly old. The first year I was here, the tree flowered beautifully (dark pink) and produced small bright red fruit which were inedible but useful for making liqueur (yum). 2 years ago, the tree dropped many of its leaves in the early summer. I thought it had died, but it leafed out again eventually. The following spring, no flowers, which I thought was predictable. This spring, again no flowers, though the leaves which are coming out look healthy so far. The soil is quite clay and the tree is in a mulched bed surrounded by ferns, hostas, bulbs, hellebores. It gets a good amount of sun, close to full. I'm wondering what I can do to encourage it to bloom again? Would it appreciate a drastic pruning? A moderate pruning?