I have purchased and planted an ornamental crab apple tree in the Spring of 2006 - didn't do much for the first year, last year (2007), was fine. Now (May 2008), nothing on top of the tree at all - looks like it's dead. There are a few new shoots at the bottom of the tree (the tree stands about 10 feet tall). Should I "chop" down what is dead and concentrate on the new shoots on the bottom or should I leave it be for now? I live in Western Quebec (Pontiac Region) where winters are bitterly cold and windy - zone 2 Thanks for any assistance
Howdy Madambill, If I may know, what variety of crab did you plant? If the regrowth is from above the graft union, sure cut down all dead parts to the new shoots. But, if it's below the union, you are better off uprooting the entire plant. There are some variety of crabs and apples that will tolerate zone 2 growing conditions. You have to know what you want but must limit yourself to those that can survive your micro-climate. Peace Thean