Hello, newbie to the forum here (nice to meet you all). I recieved this little bonsai yesterday, but I'm having some difficulty identifying it. As I'd like to ensure I'm giving it the correct care, would anyone be able to help me with identification? Many thanks :)
looks like its a Ulmus Parviflora or Chinese elm. A very popular bonsai subject. elms like full sun and need a lot of sunlight. they like deep pots as well. they dont really do well in shallow containers because the roots are easily dried out. they grow fast and thrive in soil thats 2 parts loam to 1 part sand. they like a lot of water, but not waterlogged soil as that will easily rot the roots. just check that the soil is always a little damp. move the top layer aside to check the dampness with your finger. water freely in the summer and cut back in the winter ant is dormant. slow acting organic fertilizers work best with elms. i recommend them because with a fast growing tree, chemicals will make the tree grow to quick to manage and there will be a lot of space between internodes. organics wont burn the roots either. you should see some nice yellow colors in the fall with your elm. happy growing!!