Hello! I was wandering which plant this might be and it occured to me that this might be Camelia sinensis. It grows in the same pot with the orchid. How this happened? I read somewhere that a cup of green tea once a week is good for orchids, so I "watered" my orchid once a week with small amounts of green tea. As I drink green tea with few drops of lemon juice, I first thought this is lemon I see growing, as probably I got its seed in my cup and didn't notice, but as its leaves grew bigger, it doesn't look like lemon at all to me. Thank you so much for your help!
Camellia sinensis seeds are quite large. It would have been hard to miss if there were ever one in your cup of tea. The lemon might be possible and I am not convinced it is not. I do also wonder if lemon is a good idea for the orchid.