i just bought an orchid at Garden world, and I am having trouble id this type of orchid whether it is odontoglossum or a masdevallia. your help is greatly appreciated... My personal web site is: http://maplesplants.blogspot.com/2006_08_01_maplesplants_archive.html Click on the image to magnify. It says in the label it is "Stewartara Marianna Sander" but which type is it? It's this orange orchid that i bought which requires ID just under the pink orchid photo. The second photo. Please reply - desperate. Thanks.
Hi terrestial man - you are BRILLIANT!!!! Thank you! I actually did a google search and to my surprise there is such orchid genus name called,"Stewardtara". which is a cross between "Ada X Cochlioda X Odontoglossum". Does that mean my plant is a hybrid? The big question really is what particular care do i give to this plant? Should i follow Odontoglossum guidlines in caring for this plant?