i have 3 pants in one pot, i know cotton likes potassium and nitrogen. ive been giving it miricle grow and its doing well. but where can i get potasium and nitrogen? i also have 2 lemonbalm herbal plant and wonded to know whatg kind of grow light i need to keep it going threw winter?
When you read the 3 numbers on the fertilizer bag, they are Nitrogen, phosphorous, and Potassium. Even Miracle grow has Nitrogen and Potassium...
whats a good ratio for the plants?im trying to get some really thick fat bulbs. is it possible to grow these under a high pressure sodium light or flourences?
As for the lemon balm, they want as much light as you can give them. West or south window sill, or under lights if you have them. I use four tubes, two cool white, two warm white, 40 watts. They're four foot tubes, and that does for all my light loving plants for the winter. You may have to keep trimming the lemon balm back, as it can get to two feet or so, which is hard to manage under lights, but trimming won't hurt and you could root some cuttings.