Hi there, We have just bought a Corylus Contorta for our front garden. We would like to know the potential diameter so that we can get an idea of where to site it in our garden. I have read that they are slow growing. How long does it take to reach full maturity? Ours is about 5 ft at the moment. Will it survive in a reletively open position as where we live in the English Lake district it can get somewhat windy at times! Thanks to anyone who can help.
Corylus avellana 'Contorta' actually grows fairly rapidly here on the west coast of Canada and can reach heights to about 8-10 feet high. In about 10 years it should reach its maximum height. In England it might not grow as fast however but I'm 100% sure. As for the wind it has nice thick leaves so I would assume it can tolerate a bit of wind. Cheers Eric
So you figure it will come to a standtill in 10 years from now, yet remain alive and healthy? NOT! 8'-10' is a pretty good representative mature height, but trees that are not growing at least a little each year are dying back or dead. Record: 13' x 2'6" x 16' Tacoma, WA (1993). I'm sure I've seen bigger.
Should be fine in the wind. Mine is exposed on a crest here, doing just fine in its third season. Very healthy but not a super rapid grower. Don't know the eventual spread offhand but I'm sure the rhs will have it.