I'm looking for a nice site on the web that can provide updated taxonomy information about the various species of Corylopsis (ideally with descriptions of the differences between species). Any help would be appreciated. Regards, Brian
If not in online Flora of China now will surely be later. Only Chinese species will be covered, of course.
Flora of China: http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=2&taxon_id=108087 Covers 20 of the 29 species in the genus, but doesn't say much about the classification of these species, unfortunately.
Thanks everyone for the leads. I thought I read somewhere (maybe Dirrs Manual) that the number of species was reduced from 30 to about 7?? If that is infact the case, I wonder what the "Final seven" are called and what distinguishes them from eachother. Regards, Brian