I have a rather large pot with a combination of hellebores and Ophiopogon nigrens growing quite happily in it. The problem is the soil level has dropped close to 3" over the past couple years. If I top off the soil, it will cover the majority of the hellebore stems, leaving maybe 1" of stem, but all the leaves will be free. I hate disturbing my happily growing plants by uprooting them to add soil below, but am not sure if that much soil on top will cause them to rot. What's the best solution to correct the soil level? Lisa
Adding soil to pots Good plant hygiene avoiding botrytis problems with the hellebores states that you should cut off all leaves (ie. the stems) as close to soil level as possible before spring. I suggest you do that soon and add the soil with compost. The lilies like autumn top dressing, so should be tolerant of the soil being raised and in spring the new hellebore flowers and then leaves will emerge through the new soil and compost.