I have had a Rosabella going on 3 years now and it has never bloomed. I realize that they are late bloomers but I am not sure why the previous years have failed to produce the flowers. I'm hoping this year it does bloom but have doubts that it will. Anyone know what could be the problem? I have two other native trees that have the white bracts and are already in early bloom. The Rosabella is planted in the ground approximately 20 - 25 feet away and has some leaf development but no signs of blooms. My native trees develop the roundish blooms in early spring before leaf development but I am not sure if the Rosabella should also develop the round object that becomes the bract. Thanks in advance for any help.
It is not unusual for a cornus kousa to take a few years to bloom. Also, it blooms later in the season than the native dogwoods, so it is too soon to give up on this year. You can, however, check to see if there are any flower buds. Look for fat, onion-shaped buds, see here : http://oregonstate.edu/dept/ldplants/coko10.htm. If you don't see any flower buds, and if it doesn't bloom in June, there are several other threads in this forum dealing with this issue.
Thanks. I have read several other posts after posting my question that seem to indicate that I am not the only one affected and have learned a lot about what is involved in flower production. I may call my extension office and have them come and test my soil to be sure everything is okay.