Cornus kousa 'Satomi' questions

Discussion in 'Cornus (dogwoods)' started by Patsy, Jul 8, 2006.

  1. Patsy

    Patsy Member

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    SE Michigan
    Re: Cornus Kousa 'Satomi' color and fertilizer

    I purchased a Cornus Kousa 'Satomi" this past May, so I have been reading all the posts listed on the forum concerning this dogwood with interest. I have a couple of questions: The flowers on the tree I purchased were a lovely cream color tinged with pale pink. Is the cream color a fluke, or would this be what most are calling white? The nursery employee just said it was mislabeled but did not offer any explanation as to what he meant. All of their other dogwoods had been sold so I had nothing to compare mine with. Second: I've planted three small trees in as many years, or more rightly, had them planted for me. Two from one nursery and the Satomi from another. I got different advice from them as to when to fertilize the trees (their planting techniques were also different. The person who sold me the Satomi said to use an acid fertilizer next spring, and the who planted it said to use 39 Plus. Still another employee said not to use any fertilizer on newly planted trees for at least two years. So, who is right? When I do fertilize, and what is the best fertilizer to use for the tree? By the way, I live in SE Michigan. I have clay soil, and the tree is planted in my front yard, north side, in an open area if that makes any difference in how I should take care of it. I’m pretty excited about this tree and want to do the best I can to see that it gets a good start in its new home :-)

  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Re: Cornus Kousa 'Satomi'

    'Satomi' seems to become less pink as the flower bracts age and the bloom goes over. Some white Kousa, on the other hand, develop quite a bit of pink as the flowers are finishing.

    Soils vary. Sample your soil and have it tested to see what, if any minerals may need to be added. Do not fertilize without having an idea what is appropriate for your particular site.

    Nursery clerks and others rattling off specific product recommendations are going on the assumption that they know what is best for everyone in the region they are working in.
  3. Patsy

    Patsy Member

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    SE Michigan
    Re: Cornus Kousa 'Satomi'

    Thanks, Ron, for the reply and information. In the 48 years I've lived in this house, I've never had the soil tested, but now I will. I really, really want that tree to flourish and grow---bless it's little heart ;-).

  4. Linda_B

    Linda_B Member

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    Ann Arbor, MI USA
    Re: Cornus kousa questions

    Hi. I live in S.E. Michigan, too (Ann Arbor). I planted a 2 yr. old Kousa 3 years ago in clay soil in my shady backyard. The tree has never flowered or produced berries. I've tried Mir-Acid, mulching, watering. Most of the leaves are brown now on Sept. 17. I wonder if Patsy or anyone has any advice, from things I can do myself to a recommendation of a local S.E. Michigan professional that I could have evaluate it. I'm new to gardening so any advice from basic to advanced is most welcome. Thanks very much. --lmb
  5. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    If grown from seed too young to bloom. No more Miracid without soil test, unless there is no question it is needed everywhere in your area. Brown leaves not a good sign at all unless is actually autumn color. Try local Extension office if you have one nearby. Take leaf samples.
  6. Linda_B

    Linda_B Member

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    Ann Arbor, MI USA
    Thanks very much for the speedy reply, Ron! Wonderful ideas! Much appreciated.
  7. Gordo

    Gordo Active Member 10 Years

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    Camano Island, WA
  8. Linda_B

    Linda_B Member

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    Ann Arbor, MI USA
    Thanks very much! It's great to have all this credible info.
  9. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Usually what you see is obsolete planting procedures described, like amending of backfill and leaving burlap on rootballs but at a glance I don't see that at Gordo's link.

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