Hello everyone, I'm considering buying some seeds for this plant but I just wondered if anyone has this variety and can tell me what it looks like? I already have a Cordyline terminalis 'red edge', the lower leaves of which are green edged in pink as you'd expect and all the new leaves that have come through since I've got it have been nearly all bright pink with small amounts of green. I don't want to get seeds for a plant that is exactly the same as the one I already have is all. The Red Ti variety also doesn't seem to exist on the international Cordyline society's website either Thanks JenRi
This was the best I could find it looks like its a plain red, I wonder if it's actually Cordyline 'Rubra'. ('Rubra' as it's sold as here means Red) 'Hawaiian Red Ti' http://www.microstockphoto.com/stock-photo/18548 C. 'Rubra' photo link: http://www.cordylines.com.au/pages/Cordyline Rubra.htm
Ah I see, thankyou Chungii, that's helpful...when I tried to look half of the pictures were like the ones you showed me and the other half were the same as the one I already have didn't know which plant the seeds would grow into!
Could get a bit of a blend with seed. I've grown them that way before and they sort of hold true to form, depending on how they pollinated, I suppose.
Well I'll think about it....there's also the issue of space, I don't want to get too carried away, my poor parents will have to do about 3 trips to get all my stuff back home after i *hopefully* graduate in summer, if I carry on acquiring plants at the rate I am currentely!
Aha! I've finally worked out that the pink and green cordy I have is in fact C.'Red sister', I also finally caved on the C.'Red Ti' front, although mainly because I want to see how easy the seeds are to germinate before I start importing more expensive seeds from Hawaii itself....I have my eye on C.'Hawaiian flag':D
Keep them moist in well drained soil, light shade (not direct sun if avoidable) in a warm position. They should germinate reasonably quick, within a couple of weeks. Use a shallow pot or tray to raise them and grow on in small pots once they establish a little. The first few leaves won't show too much colour. They're not too hard to get going, though a bit slow for the first year or so. Have fun :}