Are these the same species of mushrooms? Are they Coprinus comatus (Shaggy Mane) or Coprinopsis martinii (Inky Cap)? The first one (A) was photographed at Iona, Richmond. The rest (B&C) were taken at different places on Mayne Island.
Hi David - At least two species of "coprinoid" or inky cap types of mushrooms. First two photos appear to be Coprinus comatus, as the closest similar species in this region has a much shorter cap and the next closest is not "shaggy", Coprinopsis atramentaria. A couple of the other photos could be Coprinus lagopus, and you may have another that I would need to do more work to ID.
Hi Frog - I hope this doesn't ruin your weekend. I didn't expect your ID until Monday. Thank you very much. "The first two (A & B1) photos appear to be Coprinus comatus." I assumed B1, B2 and B3 are same species (I hope I don't make mistaken assumption as before). The B's were less than one foot apart, and they were the only mushrooms by the road side. If my assumption is correct, the first four photos are all Coprinus comatus. The mushrooms labelled C1 to C6 were seen in a patch 3 ft by 3 ft, and I assume they are of the same species, likely Coprinus lagopus. I do have other photos of this patch, but they more or less show the same features as the ones posted yesterday. I have two (C7 and C8) that may show a bit differently. I do not know what you are looking for.