I have two large copperbeach trees [ 4' to 5' in diameter]. Their branches started dieing about a year ago. We cut off one completely dead branch this fall, it had large white worms? in it [they were about 3/8 " in diameter]. I'm assuming this is the cause. the question is; Is there anything that can be done to save these trees?
I would suggest the white grubs in a dead branch are not the causal agent of failure but rather and indicator of wood decay. To pin down the cause start at the basics, has the tree's growing conditions changed in the last 10 years that you know of? Construction, climate / drainage pattern changes... Is there any sign of stress? Burnt leaves, excessive fruit (nut) load? Lack of vigour, failing branches etc.. here is a link for some good, basic tree information: www.treesaregood.com