I've tried a few searches but I guess I am not entering the exact phrase or words to get a good answer without reading a few hundred threads... Regardless of cost, what are the best ingredients and quantities/ratio for the best possible container citrus growth medium?
The best that I get from this forum is: 4 parts coconut husk chips & 1 part peat moss If you can't find coconut husks do this one: 3 parts pine bark chips (the chips have to be about 1 inch in size) 1 part peat moss 1 part sand (brick sand, not playground sand) Millet is a good person to ask this question to. I had to use the pine bark chip mix because I don't have coconut husk in my area. I have read that if you can find the coconut husk chips that is better to use in the long run because it last longer than the pine bark chips.
Quick Karl, we call it brick sand here in Texas but it's a concrete sand. Course sand. Sorry about that. Hope this helps. Under the search type in Citrus or meyer lemon trees & you will get information about the medium. Look under the post by pwrflpills titled Pine Bark Nuggets.
Quick Karl, Millet Introduced the chc/ peat mix a number of years back. Using this mix has help many container citrus growers. We also have many members on UBC that use other soil mixes besides chc/peat. UBC has a lot of GREAT information, read the postings.
I went to mylocal nursery and asked the same question. I was recomended azalea soil. Seems to work pretty well, however i added some expanded shale to loosen up the soil and provide proper drainage. I do belive the same addition(1/3 parts) of perilite would have worked too.