Connect with BC garden centres with iPhone App

Discussion in 'Outdoor Gardening in the Pacific Northwest' started by Matt Park, Nov 2, 2015.

  1. Matt Park

    Matt Park New Member

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    Just wanted to let you know about Plantola, a "Made-in-Canada" photo sharing app created just for gardeners. Our goals are to make plants easier to catalog, identify & source from local garden centres and nurseries.

    What is Plantola all about?

    Plants are hard to identify, which makes them hard to find. Plantola solves this problem by letting you see plants being grown by other gardeners, and details like where they were purchased. See something you like? Plantola makes it easy to share that interest with friends and local garden centres . Take pictures of plants and post them to Plantola. Share those pictures by email, or post them to Twitter or Facebook.

    Plantola Lets you:
    • Take pictures of plants you want to remember, identify and source
    • Connect with your favorite independent garden centres (there are currently 60+ garden centres from across BC listed in the App)
    • Discover new plants shared by the community
    Plantola is a free iPhone App available through the iTunes Store. Additional information is available on our website. We have also created a short video walkthrough of Plantola.

    Kind Regards,

    Matt Park
    Co-founder - Plantola

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