I told my local nursery to let me know when they got any Pinus thunbergii 'Thunderhead' and I got a call today. So I have a few questions: 1) I was under the impression that it is best to plant (conifer's) 4-6 weeks prior to the first hard frost - which I expect any day now. So is it ok to plant it now?? Should I do anything special if it is ok - extra mulch? 2) It is a B&B plant, was this dug 6-8 months ago (I haven't actually seen it so i can't say if the burlap looks fresh although I guess they could always re-wrap it), if so would it be healthy?? Or should I get it and put it in a container until Spring. 3) If it is ok to plant should I put some fert on it or if I should put it in a container do I fert?? Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks.
Harry, It it were my P thunbergii I would plant it now. For best performance the main requirement would be drainage and full sun. I would not use any fertilizer, make sure you get the crown level with or slightly above the soil line. Unravel and spread out the roots in the planting hole. Don't pack the soil too tightly when you refill the hole. I would definitely use 2-3" small nuggets pine mulch keeping it away from the crown.
The species is quite hardy. November is a typical month to be digging field grown hardy stock. If recently wrapped yours was dug and sent there with the idea that now would be a suitable time for it to be out of the ground. In a pot it would be more vulnerable to cold than put back in the ground.
Always depends on what's already in your soil. This being a pine maybe you will never have to fertilize. Sample your soil and have it tested to get an idea what may be appropriate. If some fertilization seems indicated by a soil test, you can apply it in fall or spring. Visit the web site of your state Cooperative Extension Service to see if they can help you with soil testing.
Ron, Thank you for your thorough response as I read your post my next question was going to be the hows, wheres, etc about soil tests. But you answered that question as well. I will go to the MD Coop website and see what I can find. Again thanks for the help.