Hello, I am new here. I made the mistake of getting these two plants at Walmart of all places in the winter time, and realized that the only information I got was what conditions they require. I have no clue what either of them are. The first one looks similar to a palm tree I have seen in an office, but I can't find anything on the internet about it, even a single picture. http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i110/INcavr/DSC01849.jpg This one isn't very happy right now, but seems to be better since I moved it to its own container. Any help I may get on identifying these would be greatly appreciated.
I have a plant like the second one. When I bought it, the clerk referred to it as a polka dot plant or something along those lines.
The first is Dracaena marginata, Madagascar Dragon Tree. It's not a palm. The second, I think, is Hypoestes phyllostachya, Polka Dot Plant. The most common cause of houseplants having trouble is acutally OVER watering. Make sure you're completely saturating the soil when watering....then let it completely drain....then let it get pretty dry before you water again. Many people water a cup every few days or such and that often leads to underwatering deep down and root rot at the top.