This plant I found growing at an elevation of 3870 feet above sea level. I ID'd this as an Anchusa sp, barrelieri. Help please! Perhaps it isn't even an Anchusa?
Anchusa or Myosotis, I think. Sorry, I don't have an Italian field guide--best I have is Flora Helvetica, which isn't entirely applicable.
Hello Mr. Daniel, As the corolla of this species is practically 4 x larger than genus Myosotis, I opted for Anchusa. Actually, I have never come across a Myosotis at such a high altitude! May I suggest a very good book of Mediterranean by Marjorie Blamey; the title is " Wild Flowers of the Mediterranean" 2700 coloured flowers. Originally hand painted, beautifully done and with 560 pp. Not very expensive £ 17,00. Goodbye.
You can still find online some old editions of Flora D'Italia: Biblioteca Digital del Real Jardín Botánico Biblioteca Digital del Real Jardín Botánico Biblioteca Digital del Real Jardín Botánico Biblioteca Digital del Real Jardín Botánico
Would you all mind posting further resource suggestions in the discussion thread for Plants Identification Resources? Then I can find them again and don't have to make myself late because I have to act on them right away or risk never finding them again hidden in a thread about Anchusa or something. Thanks. Here's the link: Plants Identification Resources I've copied the text of Andrey's comment there. And I've noted the other suggestions in the Resource file itself at Plants Identification It's fine to mention them here in your conversation - but also post them in the Resources discussion thread so I can find them again.
CYNOGLOTTIS BARRALIERI. Previously known as Anchusa barralieri, which I had ID'd before. Flora d'italia doesn't have an entry for CYNOGLOTTIS!