I recently acquired a pot with several plants growing in it. I've tentatively identified most of them but would like your input as I may be way off base! If you need closer pictures of one or more for a positive ID please let me know. I know I need to separate them because I'm sure their care requirements are not the same. My ID's are: #1 - Howea forsteriana #2 - Fatshedera lizei #3 - A Begonia of some sort?? It has very hairy leaves. #4 - Dracaena godseffiana...Gold Dust Dracaena #5 - Pilea nummularifolia...Creeping Charlie Yes?? No??
#1 hard to say at this stage but could be correct. #2 Fatsia japonica, with juvenile leaves. #3 Strawberry Begonia, Saxifraga sarmentosa (not a true Begonia) The rest appear to be correct though I think the Dracaena has been renamed. HTH Chris
Thanks Chris. I knew that Begonia was familiar but I just couldn't quite place it! The Dracaena has indeed been renamed, now D. surculosa. I'm not convinced that #2 is a Fatsia japonica. I looked at that but the leaves are 5 lobed like the Fatshedera lizei, which is a hybrid of Fatsia japonica and Hedera helix. The Fatsia's leaves are 7 lobed. I suppose I'll have to wait until it gets a little bigger to know for sure. In any case, they are now all in separate pots so they can be cared for according to their needs.
Agree with × Fatshedera lizei. Note this is a hybrid between Fatsia japonica and Hedera hibernica, not H. helix.
Dracaena godseffiana is a synonym of Dracaena surculosa var. surculosa. It wasn't "renamed". Dracaena surculosa is the oldest and correct name for the species.